Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Adventures Of The Three Mice

The Adventures Of The Three Mice

In David's Chamber

Written by Mary Church

Once upon a time there lived three mice in David's Chamber, their names were Susie, Dookie, And Cookie. Many times the three mice would go around the picnic tables and eat up left over food that has either been dropped off and onto the floor. Susie decides she wants to climb while Dookie decides to be a daredevil and Cookie is the one that is wise. Like the story in the three little pigs. Susie and Dookie know that cats would eat mice but they didn't think that if they were by any humans then they would be safe.

"Shame Shame Shame!" scorned Cookie. "Mama and Papa were killed by a cat and you don't go by the forcautions? How much shame! oh for shame!" Cookie scolded as Susie and Dookie roll their eyes and went on to what they were doing.

"Awe Cookie you worry to much!" Said Susie as Dookie snickered.

"Yeah You worry to much!" Dookie snickered as Susie laughed.

"Just you wait! The cat will eat you and you will be sorry you didn't listen to me!" Cookie warned her siblings (and she hoped they wouldn't get eaten but hope they could learn a lesson from what had happened to their parents).

"Ooh I'm scared!" Susie pretended to be scared.

"You better be!" said Cookie and with that she turned around and went to find more food.

As the day went on Cookie worried about her siblings, she didn't know if they were safe until she had heard a high pitch squill that had sent cold chills up and down her spine. "SUSIE! DOOKIE!" Cookie squeaked as she rushed as fast as she could to safe her siblings from their last living fate.

As Cookie had ran as fast as she could, all she could think about was saving her sister and brother knowing that it was her duty. That no matter what had happened to her life she would give it up to safe her sister and brother from a awful fate that would become their destruction.

When Cookie had reached up to where her siblings were, she had seen how close Mondie the cat was close to her siblings, seeing her eyes watch Susie and Dookie with hunger in them. "Oh No You don't!" Cookie squeaked as she bit the cat on the tail so hard that the cat yelped and had ran with it's tail behind it's legs. When the cat was over Cookie sighed with relief that her siblings were alright. But what a sight it was to see them all hiding behind some cheese that could not at all protect them from the cat! And they surely had learned their lessons for being foolish like the three little pigs were!


Joanne said...

That story kind of reminds me of the Peter Rabit movies Landon likes to watch. Good job.

Mary Church said...
